Ra'ad Ouda Abtan Alkhraesha, Mohammad Turki Mohammad Shatnawi
Islamic civilization has contributed to the construction of human civilization through what it provides of achievements for all mankind, it is based on a solid foundation which would never go away until the Day of Resurrection, stems from the noble values upon which more civilizations flourished, and Al Islam focused to highlight these values and the evacuation of their meanings and urged to work with these values. Several institutions and World Islamic scientific centers tried to show the cultural role of the Islamic nation and to highlight its cognitive achievements, and among these institutions, Al al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, which devoted its aims in serving Jordan, Arabs and Muslims and their forthcoming cognitive heritage, derived its irascibility bestowal from the thought of scientists who introduce their thinking efforts to shed light on the cultural aspects of Islamic thought and Arab science and knowledge, which flourished under this civilization. The researcher addressed in this paper Al alBayt Institute for Islamic Thought and its efforts to index the Arab and Islamic heritage manuscripts from 1981 -2004 through the following: The Genesis of Al al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, Affiliated centers, Its goals, Activities and projects, The efforts of Al al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in the indexing of the written Arab and Islamic heritage. Project of comprehensive Index of the Arab-Islamic heritage manuscripts: Project Idea, Steps to implement the project represented in the following: First: Create a comprehensive index section. Second: Collect manuscripts needed for the project indexes. Third: Preparing comprehensive Index. Fourth: institution's publications of the overall index project. Scientific Moderators on the project, Stopping the project.
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